Wednesday, February 16, 2011

just being.

rarely do i take a moment to just "be". i come home tired after clinical or class, and make dinner and watch tv and go to bed. i lack energy to do much more, but i love time to just be quiet. still. listen.
i have been so encouraged by ann voskamp's new book called a thousand gifts, it's a beautiful and encouraging reminder to be still and thankful multiple times through the day. you can buy it here. i won a free copy of it from my friends at zondervan, but it's available in most booksellers. besides the incredibly moving message, her writing is unmatched.

she talked about the word Eucharistia, which we use when taking communion, or the Eucharist. The root words of it, informally mean thankfulness and joy. we are to take "eucharistia" more than just on sabbath mornings, but all the time. every day. every moment. she made a list, after several grief-inducing moments in her life, of a thousand gifts she was thankful for. amid depression, troubles and problems, she came up with well over a thousand quickly. just by being still.
i was so encouraged by her simple admonition to remember often the gifts the Lord sets before us, and to do this daily. thankfulness. joy. grateful. eucharistia.

my list starts like this: 1. a warm cup of coffee. 2. an hour to myself at Starbucks. 3. the engagement of one of my best friends. 4. the joy of seeing my patient smile. 5. a successful iv start, 6. a sweet text from a friend. 7. the smell of my valentines roses....

joy. peace. eucharistia.

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